Average finished weight variance/giveaway is calculated.
Giveaway is communicated to upstream portioning equipment, signalling an increase or decrease in filling quantity.
Retailer COP and HACCP compliant.
Live production and batch information, and QA reports are communicated live with data collection software.
Servo-driven reject system provides optimal reject performance and repeatability.

Sentinel XL

Sparc Systems Sentinel XL Checkweigher
The Sentinel XL also provides a controlled feedback signal to upstream equipment used to portion the product, signalling it to increase or decrease the fill quantity. The Sentinel is predominantly capable of calculating Average Finished Weight Variance, also known as giveaway, to ensure a precise result.
The fully electric design has a servo driven reject providing superior reject performance and repeatability, ensuring a consistent result each time. The electric design also means there is no requirement for compressed air and therefore has a low operating cost. The device has an improved compliance with data collection and has an instant, live production, QA reports and batch information.
The data collection can also be sent directly to the network or wireless devices, ensuring an easy transfer of data when required. With a weight capacity of 12,000 grams, the Sentinel XL has a totally supported weigh-head concept and trend feedback to upstream equipment. There is also an automatic zero tracking. The machine is fully compliant with HACCP and retailer code of practice requirements and automatic test reports.
Contact us for more information on this or any other product we offer.
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